VPN service Vème
It is a company, which employs highly qualified professionals, which are directed to the latest information technologies.
The main work of the company - IT-security services. The company works in partnership with the world renowned manufacturers and suppliers of software systems, therefore focuses on the more progressive technological resolutions, that improve the efficiency of IT- company structure and solve modern problems of information security.
The company allows you to protect your online customer for 3 minutes, access to web sites, are not available in the country client. Rates start from 3,95$ per month. In our own time, the protection of the Internet is a necessity.
Server and establishes a VPN device Vemeo encrypted connection , after which the client access to all sites on the Internet. In this case, even the Internet- provider can not record sites and data, visited by the client.
Vemeo equipment are found worldwide, ensures that watch, listen to music and download information without delay, maximum speed.
Technical support Vemeo works round the clock and quickly answers all questions.
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Vemeo runs crappy. Do not fuck praise. Paid a second time in the hope, that will fix anything. Zatrahali.